Our hardware:
- A brand new Cannon HV30 HD mini DV camcorder (with touch-screen controls!) + mains power supply + batteries
- A massive tripod that is used to film school productions
- A boom pole + microphone + Sennheiser headphones
- An on-board microphone (on top of the camera)
- A mini-whiteboard that we used as a clapper board
- Mini DV tapes
- A PC (windows XP) and a Mac (for titles)
- Spot lights (not PAG lights, as we didn’t need the “barn doors”)
Our software:
- Adobe Premiere Pro (CS3)
- Adobe After Effects (CS3)
- Adobe Photoshop (CS3)
- i-Movie (Apple Mac)
- Soundtrack control
- Livetype (Apple Mac) - created titles witha flickering effect on them
- Viewing clips
- Capturing – in clips (using the fire-wire)
- Ghosting
- Making titles
- Moving between timelines and creating new ones (5 in total) – we created different versions on separate timelines, and separated out different shots (by location) and within timelines, grouped clips by which line they were saying
- Transitions – fades, cross-dissolves, dips to black
- Razoring – very useful and easy
- Brightness/contrast
- Saturation – some of our shots of the computer screen turned out very blue, and sometimes our lighting meant some shots were colder than others
- Linking/unlinking clips (audio/video)
- Adding and manipulating audio – diegetic sound (printer), non-diegetic sound (music, drone)
- Speed/duration
- Volume
- Re-ordering clips
- Parallel editing on different tracks, and layering
- Importing clips/audio
- Zooming in/out of the timeline to see more/fewer frames
- Previewing title fonts on the Mac with the technician – this was new to me, and something I wish to explore further in the future
- Transferring files between the Mac and the PC, and from PC to PC
- A “typing” effect – we didn’t use this, but thought it would be good for our titles
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