Caught in the Web


"Caught in the Web" is a psychological horror/thriller following the investigations of a series of teen suicides. What the detective soon learns, is that they are not suicides, but homicides. The killers use the internet as a weapon, trapping the girls in a "suicide support" website and gaining the trust under the alias "Julie". They rape and murder their victims, making it look like suicide using evidence on the website of depression, and forged suicide notes. The case becomes personal for the detective when his daughter becomes their next victim, but will he stop them in time? Or will he also get caught in the web?

Preliminary Task

Friday, January 30, 2009

Some problems we faced when making our opening sequence

We had a few problems during our project, but managed to overcome most of them.

  • We had static buzzing from the camera in every shot, however it was slightly different in each shot, so was fairly noticeable.

To overcome this we would have to invest in more professional cameras, but we had to make do with what we were given.

  • We had problems with the camera staying in focus.

For some reason automatic focus was going crazy and we couldn’t find the switch to change it, but the technician helped us, so now we know where the switch is for the future.

  • In our cellar location, there was a window which let light in, meaning that the lighting changed as the filming day progressed.

This taught us to be creative with what we had, so we used art paper to cover the windows, and spotlights.

  • When filming in the cellar, there was not much room.

We had to manoeuvre two actors and three members of crew along with a huge tripod and boom pole in a very small space, and it was very tight, but we managed.