Caught in the Web


"Caught in the Web" is a psychological horror/thriller following the investigations of a series of teen suicides. What the detective soon learns, is that they are not suicides, but homicides. The killers use the internet as a weapon, trapping the girls in a "suicide support" website and gaining the trust under the alias "Julie". They rape and murder their victims, making it look like suicide using evidence on the website of depression, and forged suicide notes. The case becomes personal for the detective when his daughter becomes their next victim, but will he stop them in time? Or will he also get caught in the web?

Preliminary Task

Monday, November 3, 2008


To have sound on a film was a massive revolution. It enhances/matches the feelings of the character. Without atmospheric music, a scene won't seem as tense/scary/emotional.


Diegesis --> diegetic sound in the film's world belonging to the film's diegesis.

Diegetic --> sounds in the film's world, creates a real world

Non-diegetic --> sounds that are added: music, voice-overs

On-screen --> see it and hear it at the same time

Off-screen --> can't see it but can hear it

The Soundtrack and Foley tracks are both very important.

Foley track --> the soundtrack of natural everyday sounds for a film. Additional natural, incidental and ambient sounds are added to the recording from sound effect libraries or from the Foley artists’ personal collection. The purpose of recreating this track is to provide a much clearer professional production of the soundtrack than would have been recorded on location.

Sound bridge --> sound from one scene continues into/over the next scene (makes it flow better)

Parallel sound --> audio and visual effects match, not in synchronicity, but in tone and mood

Contrapuntal sound --> music and visual elements play against each other, and are in contrast

Overture --> musical piece in the beginning (motifs) from all the music in the play/opera/film